All the latest news and events from Exmoor Zoo

  • A rare Madagascan oddity – the fanaloka!

    “A rare Madagascan oddity – the fanaloka!”

    In 2014 the Madagascan government allowed a pair of these animals into the UK for the first ever time. The government has since allowed another 5 unrelated … more

  • Hidden dogs from the unexplored Amazon jungle

    “Hidden dogs from the unexplored Amazon jungle”

    In the heart of the Amazon rainforest, well away from any people is a shy and secretive dog that has evolved to live and hunt in the dense wet and … more

  • New swingers at the zoo!

    “The new swingers at the zoo!”

    “Funky gibbon song near you”

    Exmoor zoo has been lucky to get recommended a possible breeding pair of lar gibbons to exhibit from the European breeding program. … more

  • Pretty Polly

    Pretty Polly

    “Parrots can really enjoy themselves out of the tropics where most of the 370 different species live!”“Today less and less people keep parrots as pets and it is down to the zoos and … more