Blue-throated conure

Scientific name: Pyrrhura cruentata

IUCN listed as: Vulnerable

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Blue-throated Conures primarily feed on a diet of fruits, seeds, nuts, and berries found in their natural habitat of subtropical and tropical forests. They are also known to forage for flowers and buds. In captivity, they are provided with a variety of fruits, vegetables, and pellets to ensure a balanced diet. These conures play a role in seed dispersal, which helps maintain the health of the forest ecosystem.

Blue-throated Conures love eating fruits, seeds, nuts, and berries they find in forests. They also enjoy munching on flowers and buds. When they’re pets, they eat vegetables and pellets to stay healthy. These birds help plants grow by spreading seeds.


During the breeding season, Blue-throated Conures form monogamous pairs. They nest in tree cavities, where the female lays about 3 to 4 eggs. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs for about 24 to 26 days. After hatching, the chicks are cared for by both parents and fledge from the nest after about 6 to 7 weeks.

When Blue-throated Conures want babies, they find a safe spot in a tree to build a nest together. Mum lays about 3 to 4 eggs, and both parents take turns keeping them warm for about 24 to 26 days. Baby birds are fed by their parents until they leave the nest at 6 to 7 weeks old.


Blue-throated Conures are native to South America, particularly in Brazil, where they inhabit subtropical and tropical moist lowland forests. They are also found in forest edges and areas with scattered trees. These conures prefer habitats with access to water sources and dense vegetation, where they can find food and nesting sites.

Blue-throated Conures come from South America, especially Brazil, where they live in forests. They also like places with a few trees and water. These smart birds can live near farms and in cities if there are trees and food.

At the zoo

In zoos, Blue-throated Conures are housed in aviaries that mimic their natural forest habitat. They are fed a diet similar to what they would eat in the wild, including a mix of fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. Zoos also participate in breeding programmes to help conserve these conures and educate visitors about their importance in the wild. Enrichment activities such as toys and puzzles are provided to keep them mentally stimulated.

In zoos, Blue-throated Conures live in big cages that look like forests. They eat fruits, nuts, seeds, and veggies like they do in the wild. Zoos help them have babies and give them toys and puzzles to play with.


Blue-throated Conures are social birds that live in small flocks or pairs. They communicate with each other using various calls and vocalisations. These intelligent birds are known for their playful behaviour, often engaging in activities such as flying acrobatics and playing with objects. They are active during the day, spending their time foraging for food and exploring their surroundings.

Blue-throated Conures like being with other birds, in pairs or small groups. They talk with loud calls and whistles. They’re clever and love exploring, flying between trees and looking for food. These birds are friendly and can be cuddly with people they know.

Fun facts

  • Colourful Feathers: Blue-throated Conures have bright green feathers with a striking blue patch on their throats.
  • Acrobatic Flyers: They are excellent at flying and can do fancy tricks in the air.
  • Mimic Masters: These conures can learn to imitate sounds, like phones ringing or people talking.
  • Tree Dwellers: They make their homes in tree holes, where they nest and sleep safely.
  • Loyal Mates: Blue-throated Conures often stay with the same partner for their whole lives.
  • Bright Feathers: Blue-throated Conures have bright green feathers with a cool blue patch on their throats.
  • Great Flyers: They can fly really well and do cool tricks in the air.
  • Top Mimickers: These conures can copy sounds, like phones ringing or people talking.
  • Tree Homes: They live in holes in trees, where they sleep and keep safe.
  • Best Pals: Blue-throated Conures usually stay with the same friend for all their lives.

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