Abdim’s stork

Scientific name: Ciconia abdimii

IUCN listed as: Least Concern

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Abdim’s Storks primarily feed on insects, especially grasshoppers, locusts, and beetles. They also consume small vertebrates like lizards, rodents, and small birds. During the dry season, when insects are less abundant, they may also eat fruits and seeds. They forage in grasslands, savannas, and agricultural fields where they can find their prey.

Abdim’s Storks love to eat insects like grasshoppers and beetles. Sometimes they snack on lizards, mice, and small birds. When insects are scarce, they munch on fruits and seeds. They find their food in grassy fields and farms where bugs live.


During the breeding season, Abdim’s Storks build large stick nests in trees or on cliffs. They usually nest in colonies with other storks, sometimes alongside other bird species. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs, usually two to three, for about a month. After hatching, both parents feed the chicks regurgitated food until they fledge at around 6-7 weeks old.

When it’s time to have babies, Abdim’s Storks build big nests out of sticks in trees or on cliffs. They like to live with other storks in big groups. Both mom and dad take turns sitting on their eggs to keep them warm. When the babies hatch, both parents feed them until they’re ready to fly on their own.


Abdim’s Storks are found in open habitats such as grasslands, savannas, and cultivated areas across sub-Saharan Africa. They often prefer areas with short grass where they can easily spot and catch insects. They are migratory birds, spending the breeding season in Africa and migrating to warmer regions during the non-breeding season.

Abdim’s Storks live in open places like grasslands and farms in Africa. They like short grass so they can see and catch insects easily. In the winter, they fly to warmer places.

At the zoo

In zoos, Abdim’s Storks are often housed in large aviaries designed to replicate their natural grassland habitat. They are fed a diet of insects, small vertebrates, and sometimes supplemented with fruits and vegetables. Visitors can observe their nesting behaviour, feeding habits, and interactions with other birds in the aviary setting.

In zoos, Abdim’s Storks live in big bird houses that look like their grassy homes. They eat bugs, small animals, and sometimes fruits and veggies. You can watch them build nests, eat, and fly around with other birds.


Abdim’s Storks are social birds, often nesting and foraging in large groups or colonies. They are known for their distinctive habit of running after fires to catch insects fleeing the flames. They have strong bills that help them capture and crush their prey, and they are agile fliers, soaring high in search of food.

Abdim’s Storks are social birds that like being in big groups. They are brave and chase after bugs that try to escape from fires. Their strong beaks help them catch and eat their food, and they are good at flying high in the sky.

Fun facts

  • Fire Chasers: Abdim’s Storks are known for chasing after insects escaping from wildfires.
  • Nesting Colonies: They build their nests in colonies with other storks and sometimes other bird species.
  • Migratory Birds: These storks migrate between Africa and warmer regions during different seasons.
  • Regurgitated Meals: Parents feed their chicks by regurgitating food into their mouths.
  • Adaptive Diet: They eat a variety of foods including insects, small animals, fruits, and seeds.
  • Brave Firefighters: Abdim’s Storks chase bugs that run from fires, like tiny firefighters!
  • Family Neighbours: They build their homes with lots of other storks and sometimes different birds too.
  • Big Travellers: These storks fly between Africa and warmer places when it’s cold.
  • Gross Feeding: Baby storks get their food from their parents’ mouths—yuck!
  • Eat All the Things: They like to eat bugs, little animals, fruits, and seed

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