
Scientific name: Melopsittacus undulatus

IUCN listed as: Least Concern

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Here are some facts about the species – Discover what they eat, find out about their natural habitat, see what they like to do, and more… Set the reading style to suit you too, everyday speak or something aimed towards children.




Budgerigars in the wild primarily feed on seeds, grasses, and other vegetation. They have a specially adapted beak that helps them crack open seeds to reach the nutritious insides. Occasionally, they may also consume fruits and small insects for added protein.

Budgerigars eat seeds and grasses they find in the wild. Their special beaks help them crack open seeds to get to the yummy parts inside. Sometimes they also munch on fruits and tiny bugs to stay healthy.


During breeding season, budgerigars form pairs and nest in tree hollows or other cavities. Females lay eggs which hatch after about 18-21 days of incubation. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs and feeding the chicks until they are ready to fledge.

When it’s time to have babies, budgerigars find a cosy spot in a tree or a hole to make their nest. Mum budgerigars lay eggs that hatch into chicks after a few weeks. Both mum and dad take turns keeping the eggs warm and feeding the babies until they’re ready to fly.


Budgerigars are native to Australia and inhabit open woodlands, grasslands, and scrublands. They are well adapted to arid conditions and can be found in large flocks, especially near sources of water. They nest in tree hollows or crevices in rocks where they are protected from predators.

Budgerigars live in Australia where there are lots of open fields and bushes. They’re good at living in dry places and often stay near water. They make their homes in tree holes or in cracks in rocks to stay safe from animals that might want to eat them.

At the zoo

In zoos, budgerigars are housed in aviaries that simulate their natural grassland habitats. They are fed a varied diet consisting of seeds, fresh greens, and occasionally supplements to ensure they receive all necessary nutrients. Zookeepers provide enrichment activities like perches, toys, and puzzles to keep them mentally stimulated.

In zoos, budgerigars live in big cages that look like their grassy homes. They eat seeds, fresh veggies, and sometimes special treats to keep them strong. Zookeepers give them toys and things to play with so they’re happy and busy.


Budgerigars are highly social birds that form large flocks in the wild. They communicate using a variety of chirps and calls, which helps them stay connected with their flockmates. They are known for their acrobatic flight abilities and can perform aerial displays during courtship or to evade predators.

Budgerigars like being with other budgerigars and fly around in big groups. They talk to each other with different chirps and calls to stay together. They’re really good at flying and sometimes do tricks in the air, especially when they’re looking for a friend or trying to get away from a scary animal.

Fun facts

  • Colourful Feathers: Budgerigars come in lots of colours like blue, green, yellow, and white.
  • Talking Birds: Some budgerigars can copy human words and sounds.
  • Speedy Flyers: Budgerigars can fly really fast, like a small birdie rocket!
  • Long Life: If they’re well looked after, budgerigars can live up to 15 years or more.
  • Friendly Birds: They like playing with toys and being with other budgerigars for company.
  • Colourful Feathers: Budgerigars come in lots of colours like blue, green, yellow, and white.
  • Talking Birds: Some budgerigars can copy human words and sounds.
  • Speedy Flyers: Budgerigars can fly really fast, like a small birdie rocket!
  • Long Life: If they’re well looked after, budgerigars can live up to 15 years or more.
  • Friendly Birds: They like playing with toys and being with other budgerigars for company.

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