Blue magpie

Urocissa erythrorhyncha

IUCN Status: Least concern


This bird feeds on a variety of foods such as insects and other small animals, fruits and seeds. They will also take eggs and chicks from other bird’s nests. They forage for food on the ground as well as in trees. Like most magpies world-wide they are very intelligent and adapt their diet to circumstances.


They build a shallow nest in large shrubs and trees in which they lay 3-5 eggs. Both the male and female help to construct the nest.

At The Zoo

While quietly walking around the zoo this magpie is sure to give you away with loud raucous alarm calls – they miss nothing during the daylight hours! Our pair have made nests, laid eggs but as of yet never successfully reared any chicks – fingers crossed for 2018!


Prefers evergreen forest and scrub in predominantly hilly mountainous country. It ranges from the Western Himalayas eastwards into Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

Fun Facts

Often previous broods of the adults offspring may help in rearing their younger siblings! One of the prettiest magpies this species has a full moult over 3 weeks each year (after the breeding season – August) when it looks like a bedraggled and worn out feather duster!


As well as creating its own high pitched whistle it can also mimic other sounds with accuracy.