Red-handed tamarin

Sanguinus M. Midas

IUCN Status: Least concern


The majority of their diet is fruits, green plants, and insects but they also enjoy reptiles, small rodents, eggs and tree sap making them omnivores.


Breeding usually occurs between April and July and after and gestation of four to five months often results in twins.

At The Zoo

Our “Midas monkeys” are just boys. The females have gone to other zoos to prevent any more breeding (2018 studbook requirement). You can watch them in their outside exhibits catching any flying insects that venture too close!


Rainforest, savannah forest and white-sand forests in Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname, and Venezuela.

Fun Facts

These primates love climbing and jumping! They spend most of their time in trees but when needed can jump over 60 feet to the ground!


These primates live in troops of 4 -16 in the wild, with the oldest female being in charge. They are active during the day, preferring to stay up in the trees.