White's tree frog

Litoria caerulea

IUCN Status: least concern


The diet of the green tree frog consists mainly of insects such as moths, cockroaches, and locusts. They also eat spiders and can include smaller frogs and even small mammals (including bats) among their prey when they are fully grown.


Breeding occurs in Australia & Guinea in the wetter winter season (November to February). Males take up a territory over a still water source like small pond high in a tree and call. Clumps of frogspwan of 200 - 2,000 eggs are laid and once the tadpoles hatch they have a quick six week metamorphosis before they leave the water as froglets!

At The Zoo

Their skin exudes a waxy substance that helps prevent evaporation and they are a good exhibt in our tropical house as the prefer a lower humidity than most frogs! We have a pair on exhibit in the tropical house but you would have to visit at night to hear them or see them being active although they can be easily viewed during the day.


As a frog they require humidity but less so so than some species due to their waxy skin and as such can tolerate slightly drier habitats in north and east of Australia. This adaptation means they can survive well in grasslands and eucalyptus stands as well as riverine forest so long as some still ground water exists!

Fun Facts

White's green tree frogs are not bothered by people or human disturbance and are often encountered around dwellings or in the sink, bath or toilet! They sometimes occupy tanks (cisterns), downpipes and gutters, as these have high humidity and are usually cooler than the external environment!


Nocturnal these frogs often emerge early evening around dwellings looking for insects. During the day they find a cool dark moist area to sleep such as tree holes or rock crevices. If it becomes excessively dry they can find a cool damp spot and envelop themselves in a cocoon of shed skin and mucous.